Privacy Notice
(last updated 5th September 2024)
Our contact details:
Name: The Data Protection Officer
North East Young Dads and Lads Project
Address: C/o BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Arts
South Shore Road Gateshead NE8 3BA
E-mail: dpo@neydl.uk
Charity website: www.neydl.uk
DigiDAD website: www.digidad.uk
The type of personal information we collect:
We currently collect and process the following information about you with your consent (and a parent or carers consent if you are under 16 years of age):
1. Personal identifiers:
Your name
Date of birth
Contact address
Age and date of birth of your child(ren)
Parent/Guardian contact details
2. Contact details:
Telephone number(s)
Email address
3. Characteristics:
Sexual orientation
Religious beliefs
4. Child protection/safeguarding/social services involvement
How we get the personal information and why we have it:
Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for the following reasons:
To access the services provided by the charity on a voluntary basis and ensure that the help and support you receive meets your self-identified needs.
To evidence your progress and achievements overtime.
To enable you to maintain contact with the charity.
To enable you to contribute to new peer research, support and educational activities that improve outcomes for young fathers in our region.
To support the charity in learning, evidencing, and evaluating the impact of the services we provide.
For reasons of safeguarding, you/others from harm, or to protect against the commission/alleged commission of an offence.
We also receive personal information indirectly from other professionals (most often representing health, education, and social care services) in the following scenarios:
To make a referral to the charity for the purpose of providing you with help and support having obtained your consent to do so.
For reasons of safeguarding, you/others from harm, or to protect against the commission/alleged commission of an offence.
We may share this information with third parties only for reasons of safeguarding you/others from harm including to protect against the commission/alleged commission of an offence.
We will share your personal information with the following people in order to provide the services listed above and for safeguarding reasons:
Pixel Buddy Limited
Brown March and Bowman Ltd
Inspired HR Group Ltd
The University of Lincoln
Thread Media (John Stafford)
Throneware Ltd
Nikki Rummer
Local Authorities
Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information is ‘performance of a contract and processing in the public interest.’
To access your personal information, please contact:
The Data Protection Officer
Email: info@neydl.uk
How we store your personal information:
Your information is secured electronically, on a bespoke and cloud-based data management system managed on the charities behalf by Throneware Ltd. As a cloud-based system access to your data is restricted via the charities work based laptops with appropriate firewalls, password protection, granular access controls off-set database backups. People working for the charity will have security checks and suitable training before they can handle this information.
Once your involvement with the charity ends, the information we hold about you will be securely stored in an archive folder on the Charities data management system described above. Where there have been Child Protection procedures, the information we hold about you and / or your child will be kept until you / your child reaches the age of 75. Where no Child Protection procedures were introduced, we will keep this information for 8 years prior to safe, full, and complete disposal of these records.
The type of personal information we collect:
We currently collect and process the following information about you with your consent (and a parent or carers consent if you are under 16 years of age):
1. Personal identifiers:
Your name
Date of birth
Contact address
Age and date of birth of your child(ren)
Parent/Guardian contact details
2. Contact details:
Telephone number(s)
Email address
3. Characteristics:
Sexual orientation
Religious beliefs
4. Child protection/safeguarding/social services involvement
How we get the personal information and why we have it:
Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for the following reasons:
To access the services provided by the charity on a voluntary basis and ensure that the help and support you receive meets your self-identified needs.
To evidence your progress and achievements overtime.
To enable you to maintain contact with the charity.
To enable you to contribute to new peer research, support and educational activities that improve outcomes for young fathers in our region.
To support the charity in learning, evidencing, and evaluating the impact of the services we provide.
For reasons of safeguarding, you/others from harm, or to protect against the commission/alleged commission of an offence.
We also receive personal information indirectly from other professionals (most often representing health, education, and social care services) in the following scenarios:
To make a referral to the charity for the purpose of providing you with help and support having obtained your consent to do so.
For reasons of safeguarding, you/others from harm, or to protect against the commission/alleged commission of an offence.
We may share this information with third parties only for reasons of safeguarding you/others from harm including to protect against the commission/alleged commission of an offence.
We will share your personal information with the following people in order to provide the services listed above and for safeguarding reasons:
Pixel Buddy Limited
Brown March and Bowman Ltd
Inspired HR Group Ltd
The University of Lincoln
Thread Media (John Stafford)
Throneware Ltd
Nikki Rummer
Local Authorities
Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information is ‘performance of a contract and processing in the public interest.’
To access your personal information, please contact:
The Data Protection Officer
Email: info@neydl.uk
How we store your personal information:
Your information is secured electronically, on a bespoke and cloud-based data management system managed on the charities behalf by Throneware Ltd. As a cloud-based system access to your data is restricted via the charities work based laptops with appropriate firewalls, password protection, granular access controls off-set database backups. People working for the charity will have security checks and suitable training before they can handle this information.
Once your involvement with the charity ends, the information we hold about you will be securely stored in an archive folder on the Charities data management system described above. Where there have been Child Protection procedures, the information we hold about you and / or your child will be kept until you / your child reaches the age of 75. Where no Child Protection procedures were introduced, we will keep this information for 8 years prior to safe, full, and complete disposal of these records.